Path Of The Feather

de Luís Santana
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15:22 (40 minutos atrás)

09/02/2008 15:22

Path Of The Feather

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Olá SAMUELS, i am a storyteller (a portuguese fiction writer from Portugal), and i read in your website 'Art As A Healing Force'. And i agree with you in all you said!

My first Mentor (in writing) was ANTÓNIO DE MACEDO who i met through a mailing list in the Internet. MACEDO is a well known published writer himself in the genre of Fantasy and Science Fiction, and writes also esoteric books.

I am yet in permanent contact with that guide and teacher.

A while ago i started another acquaintance who i met also in the Internet out of my research work about the Monomyth (of Joseph Campbell (at Forums – THE MATRIX Monomyth )). This my new friend is JONATHAN YOUNG and he is a psychologist as well as a storyteller and mythologist. He is my second Mentor. We've been exchanging emails on the subject of writing (fiction) using my Personal Myths. What he has suggested me was that i would (and i did!) connect my Personal Myths
with the portuguese rituals (which were my country's Public Myths). I did that and i went a bit further -- to the personal and public myths, i added the Worldwide Myths.

I called the Monomyth a pre-literary structure. I haven't been published yet but is only a matter of time. I wrote two autobiographical novels (being the topics of both books 'WORK, WOMAN AND FAMILY')(their real names were (a) 'I Cannot Lie' and (b) 'Proper Universe'). And i have sent them away round the publishers. To write those books i used The_Nine_Act_Stucture by David Siegel.

Myself as you apparently seem, also, are interested in the aspect of mystic (or esoteric) (or in your own words «healing») in detriment of sociological. You say 'art and healing', i say (so did Campbell said, and wrote), 'pedagogical and mystical'. Merging.

The monomyth (myths )have basically four functions, (1) mystical, (2) cosmological, (3) sociological, and (4) pedagogical. CAMPBELL said that the sociological is obsolete and is the cause of our worldwide 'deviations'. So i am dedicating, myself (MAN)and my work (WORK), to the mystical (Inner Journey) and to the pedagogical (Outer Journey) functions of myth.

There i guess is where, you and me, meet.

And that is why i am writing you!

May be we can be of any assistance to each other. In my path i endorse yours:

"For many of us, healing art is a spiritual path, a transformational process, a way of being."

I am also trying to get into contact via e-mail with HOLDING RAINBOW WARRIOR WOMAN at the site of .

I am healing me, and the earth.

I keep journaling my dreams since last September '07. At the present i am writing a fiction book called "The Prince Ditch 36". The hero of the story lives in an Ordinary World in daytime and he has 'lucid dreams' at night while dreaming in the 'Special World'as in
Christopher Vogler "The hero's Journey" . My Hero is an Alternative Medicine Man. And i am becoming the healing artist and the shaman of my time. Our time.

The MONOMYTH are the rituals and my path on the real (ordinary) world (life), and, the ANIMAL TOTEMS are my guides and teachers.

I, guess, will be able to compose a nice 'pedagogical' (fiction) book, only, on my next work which i reckond it will be around (topically) ANIMALS AND THEIR WISDOM -- something similar to (the book called) JONATHAN LIVINGSTON SEAGULL by Richard Bach.

On my ongoing journey i would like to add you as my Mentor.

António de Macedo
Path Of The Feather
Michael Samuels, M.D.
Jonathan YoungThe Center for Story & Symbol


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