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Path Of The Feather

de Luís Santana ocultar detalhes 15:22 (40 minutos atrás) para data 09/02/2008 15:22 assunto Path Of The Feather enviado por Olá SAMUELS, i am a storyteller (a portuguese fiction writer from Portugal), and i read in your website 'Art As A Healing Force'. And i agree with you in all you said! My first Mentor (in writing) was ANTÓNIO DE MACEDO who i met through a mailing list in the Internet. MACEDO is a well known published writer himself in the genre of Fantasy and Science Fiction, and writes also esoteric books. I am yet in permanent contact with that guide and teacher. A while ago i started another acquaintance who i met also in the Internet out of my research work about the Monomyth (of Joseph Campbell (at Forums – THE MATRIX Monomyth )). This my new friend is JONATHAN YOUNG and he is a psychologist as well as a storyteller and mythologist. He is my sec

How and Why Dramatica is Different from Six Other Story Paradigms

How and Why Dramatica is Different from Six Other Story Paradigms

Christopher Vogler's Hero's Journey

How and Why Dramatica is Different from Christopher Vogler's "Hero's Journey"

The orange, the citrus juicer and the juice (Life Myths, Ideastory and Literature) Ola Jonathan, my new book is called ‘Prinsegracht 36’ (The Prince Ditch, 36) (It is a monastery turned into an alternative living and working community project, in The Hague, Holland, where I worked for five months in the year of 1997). I have just decided yesterday to use your e-mail answer as a guideline to plot. You may see the result in attachment. In 2004 I had a vividly dream which I wrote down in my notebook, and now and then, I wanted to write about it, but never did, ‘cos I lacked the right structure. Thank you, Jonathan. I also learned that *the big picture may be turned into the small moments. Hug, Luis Santana * example: In my previous storyline, I wanted to travel the Universe to find answers (being the literary genre: Fantasy); instead I used the ex monastery as opposed to the Universe. And as for travel people come to me as the ex monastery is open to the public twice a week (and that makes my writing has literary merit). (I now know how to apply an

Prinsegracht 36 (its structure)

Prinsegracht 36 ACT 1 – Ordinary World · Ordinary World “Tales always helped people in their immediate life situations.” · Call to Adventure “You have a calling.” · Meeting with the Mentor “Try to develop the questions well.” · Crossing the Threshold “Your studies of mythic patterns should serve you well.” ACT 2 – Spe cial World · Approach to Inmost Cave “The key is to focus on the small moments, not the big picture.” · Tests, Allies, Enemies ( + Ordeal) “It is in the humanity of the srtuggle that meaningful wisdom is revealed.” · Ordeal · Apotheosis “Working with *three key tales of your **tribe.” ACT 3 – Ordinary World · Return with the Elixir “Being a humble servant of something larger than yourself is not an easy task.” * Call to Adventure Meeting with the Mentor Approach to Inmost Cave ** International Tribe note: the international (or worldwide) tribe has three myths

Os mitos públicos internacionais

1. – O Chamamento Para A Aventura 3. – Ajuda Supernatural 5. – As Entranhas da Baleia As fontes usadas para chegar a este resultado -- Os Mitos Internacionais -- foram DUNE (Frank Herbert's Life), STAR WARS TRILOGY (George Lucas' Personal Life) e THE MATRIX TRILOGY (the Wachowski Brothers).

“O Ideal Português e o Homem”

“ O Ideal Português e o Homem” 1. – O Chamamento Para A Aventura Batalha de Ourique 3. – Ajuda Supernatural 4. – Atravessando O Primeiro Limiar 5. – As Entranhas da Baleia 6. – O Caminho das Experiências Milagre de Fátima 7. – O Encontro Com A Deusa culto Mariano, rainha Santa Isabel, história e lenda de D. Pedro e Dona Inês 10. – Apoteose mito Henriquino 17. – Liberdade Para Viver mito Sebástico Fontes “O Ideal Português e o Homem” ensaio de Francisco da Cunha Leão (1907-1974), ensaísta e investigador, formado em Ciências Histórico-Filosóficas. O Negrito é emprestado do Joseph Campbell “O Herói das Mil Caras”. O Azul bebé e o Amarelo é meu.

Os meus mitos pessoais

Os meus mitos pessoais 1. – O Chamamento Para A Aventura Os pequenos vagabundos (série televisiva) Dança com lobos (filme) O policia no jardim escola (filme) O resgate do soldado Ryan (filme) O senhor dos anéis (filme) O alquimista (livro) 3. – Ajuda Supernatural Shimoda, o messias relutante (livro) Regresso ao futuro (filme) Ponto linha plano (livro) Elementos da cor (livro) Singing the soul back home (livro) A arte de sonhar (livro) 4. – Atravessando O Primeiro Limiar Caça fantasmas (filme) Dança com lobos (filme) 5. – As Entranhas da Baleia O mundo do Wayne (filme) Trópico de Câncer (livro) 6. – O Caminho das Experiências Yoga (livro) Tae kwon do (livro) Kung do te (livro) Kung fu (livro) Full-contact (livro) Kick boxing (livro) Jeet kune do (livro) Gémeos (filme) Armagedeão (filme) The nine act structure (documento na Internet) 7. – O Encontro Com A Deusa Gladiador (filme) 10. – Apoteose Fernão Capelo Gaivota (livro) O planeta dos macacos (filme) 17. – Liberdade Para Viver O fogo i

Mitos públicos de Portugal

Mitos públicos de Portugal Culto Mariano 7. – O Encontro Com A Deusa Batalha de Ourique 1. – O Chamamento Para A Aventura Milagre das Rosas 3. – Ajuda Supernatural Lenda de D. Pedro e dona Inês 7. – O Encontro Com A Deusa Mito Henriquino 10. – Apoteose Mito Sebástico 17. – Liberdade Para Viver Milagre de Fátima 3. – Ajuda Supernatural 4. – Atravessando O Primeiro Limiar 5. – As Entranhas da Baleia 6. – O Caminho das Experiências Mito do Quinto Império 3. – Ajuda Supernatural 5. – As Entranhas da Baleia Fontes “O que é o Ideal Português” (Edições Tempo, colecção Tempo de Pensar, Lisboa 1963) O Negrito é meu (emprestado do Joseph Campbell “O Herói das Mil Caras”)